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The Hex Patch


Updated: Mar 20, 2020

About This Game In a creaky old tavern, in a forgotten corner of the video game universe, a storm is raging. The barkeep gets a patchy phone call. It's hard to tell what the caller is saying, but this much is clear: someone in The Six Pint Inn is planning a murder.There are six patrons; all of them are video game protagonists trying to escape their past... But The Six Pint Inn has a way of bringing back old memories. Each flashback plays out in an entirely different genre, sometimes blending multiple. By exploring these memories you may discover the identity of the murderer... or you may learn much darker secrets.In The Hex you will... Control the six patrons and explore The Six Pint Inn Delve into the memories of these cast-aside game protagonists to learn the truth of their past Learn the identity of the would-be murderer... as well as the victimThe Hex takes roughly 6 hours to complete on the first playthrough. 7aa9394dea Title: The HexGenre: IndieDeveloper:Daniel Mullins GamesPublisher:Daniel Mullins GamesRelease Date: 16 Oct, 2018 The Hex Patch the allen key size. the hex game characters. the hex novel. hex a full fat milk. the hex store. the hex files anime. the hex number ‘6e’ as a decimal number is. open a hex file on mac. the hex reddit. hex 2 the game. the hex rust room. hex the patriarchy patch. the hex final standings. the hex pony island. the itch hex. the hex walkthrough. the hex entervale. the hex sealed fusion. the hex files wicked never sleeps. the fall hex enduction hour torrent. the hex files gina lamanna. the hexblade. the hex on steam. the best free hex editor. hex the patriarchy. the hex empire. the hex game plot. the english hex. the hexblade patron. the hex files harry potter. the fall hex enduction hour rar. richard swift the hex full album. ben 10 the rise of hex apk download. the hex and the healer. the hex 2018. the hex victoria bc. lex the hex master beyond redemption rar. the hex core. scooby doo and the hex files. the hex wiki. where is the hex version number on a ds game. the hex karma fields. ben 10 the rise of hex download pc. the hex richard swift. a hex to decimal. the hex nut. the hex house pennsylvania. the hex code for yellow. the hex definition. the curse of the hex spongebob full episode. hex windows 10 calculator. colour of the year hex. the hex magic. lex the hex master beyond redemption zip. hex the drug. the humon hex. the fall hex enduction hour full album. using the hex bar. the hex menu. is the hex number the serial number. the curse of the hex full episode. the hex room review. the phononic hex 2.0. what is the hex used for. the hex files sabrina. the hex files drarry. the fall hex enduction hour download. a hex value. with the hex key. spongebob curse of the hex full episode. the hex irving. the earth hex sealed fusion. the hex place. the hex ride. hex the third seal jigsaw boxes. hex serial number converter. the hex club Daniel mullins Games one love. a kick in the nuts to all those soulless triple-a gamesthis is much more than it looks like in the first couple of minutes and it is best to go into the game without any knowledge of what to expectget it and have fun. Daniel mullins Games one love. a kick in the nuts to all those soulless triple-a gamesthis is much more than it looks like in the first couple of minutes and it is best to go into the game without any knowledge of what to expectget it and have fun 1.4.0 Patch Notes: 1.4.0 EAChanges* Added a confirmation message when destroying an item.* Added game version to the title screen.* Added new main menu.* Changed Credits.* Added multiple new areas to explore.* Blacksmith's Weapon Shop, now Buys items.* Area Tags removed.* Sign Post added to the world.* New mobs and Notorious Beasts, and Loot and Items added to the world.* Rebuild the save & load systems and how the game loads up, the first time played.* Added new NPCs to the world.* Added New Side Quest and Main Story Quest.* Added Idle Animations for all the current NPC's in the Game.* Changed the way Normal Bee's act when attacking, and how long they will live once they sting you.* Redrew the Small & Cave Bats, and Wings when dropped.* Adjusted the Inventory and text on the screen.* Added Flavor text to all the current items in the game.* Added Skip function on the load screens, when a new game is started.* The game no longer starts a night, it now starts are sunrise.* Added a new UI design to the inventory and dialogue boxes.* Remade all of the shop systems and UI.* Reworked and designed how the Anvil in RedRock Repairs damaged items.* Re-Added and redesigned the campfire, You can now shot arrows into the fire for a chance to light an arrow on fire.* Added a New Easter Egg to the world of Trysaria.* Added torches and lamps that will come on at night.* Added the full versions, of the music into the game.* Add all indoor levels to every building in Red Rock.* Revamped a few graphics in the game, With more to be added.* Added New Shop systems, you now get prompt to Buy, Sell, Repair, Rest and Save.* Save Crystals have been removed from Red Rock Village and The Muddy Hills.* New meals have been added to the Inn in Red Rock.* Status effects have been added.* Buffs and debuffs have been added to the game. Noxsickness(Poison) Frozen effect, Burn Dot, Stone, Str Up Dex Up Speed Up, Down, of course, Mini effect, Nausea.* Added new weapon type to the game. Swords are now Slash Damage, Spears and Arrows Pierce Damage Wooden and Axes Blunt Damage.* New Graphic sprites for Bees.* Rebuilt Sell, Trash and Destroy Functions.* Rebuilt and improved The Muddy Pits.* Removed all simulated blood from the game.* Re-Added hearts, and made a new image for the heart from a save point.* Added Game Over music to the game over screen.* Reworked Food Shop in Red Rock Village, it no longer crashes the game, but still has a bug.* All weapon speeds have been adjusted and reworked.* Some chest now require keys to open.* Added some ambient music and sound effect to the world to give it more life.* Added Ake a traveling merchant, He sells rare and expensive goods.* Game over screen has been reworked.* Bows are now two-handed weapons.* Reworked Yellow Queen Slime.* Reworked Ranged Green Slimes.* Added an in-game menu, by pressing Escape on a keyboard or the Select button on the controller.* Added Options to the main menu.Bug fixes* Fixed a bug that caused a few fish to swim on land.* Fixed a bug where Eldwind would cause an error when talking to him.* Fixed a bug where items would not load there amounts when you saved/loaded a game save.* Fixed a bug where the Narrator would cause the game to crash.* Fixed a bug where some music would not change when entering an area.* Fixed a bug where items would not remove from the action boxes when amount or durability is 0.* Fixed a bug where the Innkeeper in Red Rock would take your gold then put you in debt.* Fixed a bug that caused the shop to not load correctly and crash.* Fixed a bug with Two-handed weapons, they now take up both item slots and remove and equip correctly.* Fixed bug that caused the ambient sounds from the title screen to bleed over into the games intro level.* Fixed a bug where a game over would stop all music.* Fixed bug where ranged slimes would not stop attacking.* Fixed a bug where Bee's would get stuck in a level boundary.** Known Bug ***Issues with Saving/Loading: Inventory Quantities are not always correct.When exiting via the in-game menu, the title screen will remain shaded.Sometimes arrow stacks cannot be used, Might be caused by the continuation of a game.Mobs sometimes walk through walls. (caused by not leaving the attack state). Offical Manual / Wiki: We are happy to announce the #Trysaria Offical Wiki for Gamepedia has gone live today, we invite you all to go check it out and help make it the best place for Trysaria info. Trysaria Trysaria Releases June 3rd!: Trysaria will release on June 3rd! :)Get ready to adventure forth and kick some monster butt.. Patch notes 1.0.1 - 1.3.4/1.3.9: Patch notes for Update 1.4.0 will be released in the coming weeks.1.0.1 Closed Alpha (Hot Fix)Bug fixes* Fixed projectiles shot from mobs. Should no longer cause an error when hitting the player when blocking, May still error out when hitting a tree or stone.1.0.2 Closed AlphaChanges* Expanded on Durability for items, they now don't lose durability so fast, making the item lasting much longer.1.0.3 Closed AlphaChanges* Replaced the old in game font with a new custom made font.* Now text will be a lot more clear and cleaner at any resolution.1.0.5 Closed AlphaChanges* Rebuilt the in game controls* Keyboard now fully supports Arrow keys to move and ZXCV as action keys.* The game still supports WASD to move and HJKL as Action Keys.* Gamepad controls have been redefined and improved.* Implemented the D Pad to work as movement in the world as well as on the menu screens.* Expanded the world in the Red Red Mt.s the caves are now expanded.* Have fun looking for hidden paths.1.0.6 Closed Alpha (Hot Fix)Changes* You can now use the Enter at the Main Menu to select an option.1.0.7 Closed AlphaChanges* Re-enabled the sound effect when tree's get hit.* Bee's no longer die on contact with the player, right away.* Lowered the bee's spawn rate and chance.* Changed how the palm trees spawn coconuts and there rate to spawn.* Mobs no longer drop the little heart.* Reworked the way mobs deal damage when the player touches them.* Reworked the way arrows and mobs projectiles work.* Added Area Tags, to display the name of the region you enter.* Added Wooden Bow and wooden arrows, to start with.Bug fixes* Fixed bug where mobs would leave an invisible damage marker on the ground even after death.1.1.7 Closed AlphaChanges* Changed and enhanced the Mt. Cliffs, graphically making them a lot more noticeable and readable.* Made changes to multiple levels.* Levels added to the northern region of Red Rock.* New Frog graphics.* All mobs now drop there own loot.* Removed gold drops from all animal, creature, & insect based mobs.* Adjusted health on all mobs in the game.* New mobs added to the world.* New Notorious Monster added to the world, Will spawn under set weather conditions and time of day.* New item and weapon drops.* Grass no longer drop gold or small hearts.* Changed Damage dealt by bees.* Rebuilt weather system.* Added an anvil that can be used to repair items, in Red Rock Village.* Reworked background sound effects.* Add new game music.* Reduced how long footsteps stay on screen.* Remade animation for oaks trees, and added more animations to the palm tree.* Added a death effect to the bee after it stings you.* Added a credits screen.* Enabled Saving and Loading.* Added save crystals to the world.Bug fixes* Fixed bug where the beehive would spawn bees, while it was raining.* Fixed bug on death with bees, where stats were not recorded.* Fixed bug where some weapons could break pine trees and stones.* Fixed a bug where the shadow of the arrow would cause an error. which was caused by a change in the engine update.* Fixed a bug where arrows and bombs wouldn't load there saved info.* Fixed Bug that would cause arrows and bombs to stay at an inventory space when the item was used.1.1.8 Closed Alpha (Hot Fix)Bug fixes* Fixed bug where the game would crash when the weather would change while at the paused/Inventory screen.* Fixed issue where the player would eat a flat face fish and the game would crash.* Fixed inn would pop up a debug message and not a message on the screen.* Fixed a bug where the player would load into a wall, after leaving the red rock fields to the right.*Fixed Bug where some bushes wouldn't destroy.1.2.5 Closed Alpha(( THIS VERSION WILL REQUIRE A NEW GAME TO BE STARTED!!!))Changes* Reworked Credits.* Added a Lantern.* Added animations to the water edge at the beach.* Changed Pine Logs and Oak Logs into just Logs.* Added Chickens.* Increased the Stamina recharge rate.* New Notorious Monster added to the world* New Weapon added.* Added new graphics to the main character, along with new animations.* Added NPC's to Red Rock Village.* Enabled the dialogue system.Bug fixes* Fixed bug where a collider was missing in Red Rock Village.* Fixed bug with Arrows and Bombs not deleting after being used.* Fixed the save crystals the player no longer gets stuck.* Fixed broken door on the mt. top.* Fixed a bug, where when selling in a shop, the player would only receive gold for one item and not every amount.* Fixed a bug where selling the bow would leave it in your inventory.1.2.6 Closed AlphaChanges* When the player dies, you only lose half your bombs, arrows & gold.* Adjusted radius on npc's dialogue system.Bug fixes* Fixed colliders on stairs in Red Rock Village.1.2.8 Closed Alpha (Hot Fix)Changes* Added wooden sword to the game.* Removed wooden axe bow and arrows, from the start.* Disabled Rooster Call.Bug fixes* Adjusted collider on the save crystal.* Fixed Reet's dialogue.1.2.9 Closed Alpha (Hot Fix)Changes* Removed wooden sword.Bug fixes1.3.2 EAChanges* All items have been removed from the start of the game.* Intro has been added.* The first and second part of the main story has been added to the game.* New Item added to the game.* Changed chest at the top of Red Rock Mt.Bug fixes* Fixed bug where arrows would subtract at random when entering Red Rock Village.* Fixed the wooden sword. ((It was not meant to come out in the hotfix)) * Fixed Text when the player talks, with it not resetting or showing the correct text.1.3.4 EAChanges* Added Weapon shop, in Red Rock Village.Bug fixes* Fixed messages displaying under objects.


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